Cost Recovery
To have a system of cost recovery in place this pays for itself. The abiana is assessed and levied in a transparent and accountable manner and all costs are recovered and the system not only pays for itself but generates surplus revenue.
Water Pricing Policy
There will be a complete transformation from the existing situation in which all out institutions are based on the premise of affluent water. Water pricing policy will be in place which regulates not only the supply of water but its usage and leads to the efficient use of water. Institutional reform will have been undertaken which will lead to a mechanism for re-allocation based on value and availability of water.
Economic Growth & Development
Food Self Sufficiency
To attain self-sufficiency in production of food grains and generate exportable surpluses through optimal utilization, development and effective management of our water resources. Complete synergy in our use of our basic endowments and the successful implementation of an agriculture master plan designed to conserve Pakistan’s land and water resources. Complete modernization and up-gradation of our agriculture infrastructure. Production of high value crops and a complete shift in our traditional agricultural production practices. Increasing water productivity and developing rive rain, barani, desert, semi-desert and culturable waste lands, promotion of bio-saline framing and establishing agro-marketing service centers. Reconsideration our current cropping economic and trade regimes which are beneficial for the country.
Water Supply and Sanitation Coverage
To provide 100% coverage of safe water supply and sanitation to all householders in urban and rural areas with environmentally safe drainage and disposal services.
Conservation & Efficiency of Use
To have minimized the conveyance losses in the irrigation system, adopted efficient irrigation practices and moved to more efficient use of water through Changes. In the cropping patter, complete control and regulation of the water flow in the irrigation.
Development of Water Resources
To rehabilitate and invest in the existing system and have developed additional surface and groundwater resources and use of local water harvesting technologies like check dams, reservoirs, harnessing of hill torrents and other locally viable options to increase our water resources, specially for areas with lack of water resources.
Hydropower Development
National consensus in the development of hydropower of use as surface reservoir, irrigation and power generation.
Research & Technology Development
Development of the scientific and technological capacity in the country to make use of new developments in the area of energy use, desalinization of water, etc. capacity to network and keep abreast of development in other parts of the world is established and applied research is an essential component in each project.
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